Single Traditionally Crafted Six Panel Kyoto Hyogu With Real Gold Flakes (Size: 6 Shaku (Approx. 1.8

This is possibly one of our greatest byobu masterpieces.

One spring, we received a request from the chief priest of a faraway temple. The priest came to Kyoto, and together we visited raw material suppliers. One by one we selected each material to be used, starting with the washi lining paper. We carefully examined every item, making sure that each was of the highest quality domestic material. The entire process took six months; from our initial meeting through the completion of the piece. The scroll was cut to a perfect size to fit the open space of the main panels. The piece was lined, and the handmade torinoko panel was sprinkled with gold flakes. Finally, the scrolls were placed, with perfect balance, on each panel. Also, although the back cannot be seen in this photo, it is made of handmade, beige torinoko paper, and uses mica to dye it a color that gives it just a hint of blue, in a “yabure shippo” Kyoto sliding screen pattern. And, the border was finished using layer upon layer of a special, Japanese roiro lacquer of the highest quality, that took three months to finally reach its ultimate brilliance and luster.

After delivering the final product to the requested location, upon viewing our work, we could not help but be spellbound by our own creation. Our client was also thrilled with the finished product. In addition, this piece received official recognition as a “Traditional Kyoto Hyogu Work of Art”. On a side note, the view of Mt. Fuji on our way to deliver the piece was magnificent, so we included a photo of the view as well.


お陰様をもちまして安達表具店は今年100周年を迎えました。 安達表具店は、京都市上京区の南端、二条城の北沿いにほど近い猪熊通に事務所と工房を構えて100年(令和7年現在)の歴史ある京表具店です。 日本の建築に欠かすことのできない襖、障子の新調、張り替え、製作だけでなく、額装や屏風、掛け軸までを幅広く取り扱っております。 また今年、Workshop Gallery "KUSU庵”が誕生しました。