Restoration of an Extremely Old Framed Picture

We received a call, then paid a visit to what ended up being a very large residence. In the tatami room, there, ever so casually hung the framed picture. It was covered in years worth of dust and moisture and had been exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, leaving the picture almost unrecognizable. The undercoat and edges were also extremely damaged, so we cleaned it, attached a new underlayer of sturdy wagami, remade the gold mat and edges, and to protect it from the effects of aging we finished it by adding a layer of acrylic. The picture that had darkened to the point of being unrecognizable had come back to life, leaving the clients immensely pleased.


安達表具店は、京都市上京区の南端、二条城の北沿いにほど近い猪熊通に事務所と工房を構えて95年(令和2年現在)の歴史ある京表具店です。 日本の建築に欠かすことのできない襖、障子の新調、張り替え、製作だけでなく、額装や屏風、掛け軸までを幅広く取り扱っております。